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Basic training Senior Emergency Response Officer

Are there several Emergency Response Officers in your organisation? A good coordination and co-operation between the ERO’s is critical, especially when the building is large and/or complex by nature.During an incident, the Senior ERO coordinates the combined effort or the ERO’s.During a two day course Basic training Senior ER, the students learn and train all the necessary skills for an effective, efficient and safe deployment of the ERO crew.

What is learnt?

The training ‘Senior ERO’ has its focus on deploying the Senior ERO as the principal of the ERO crew. During the training this roll is taught and trained using various scenarios. 

The program:

The contents of the training are adjusted to your working environment. We devise a (custom) training program.  During these two days, the students are theoretically and practically trained in;

  • Legal bounds of the Company Emergency Response Organisation
  • Being in charge during incidents
  • Communication process and means
  • Coördinating first response
  • Reconaissance and imaging
  • Repression and deployment
  • Deployment (step by step)
  • Transfer and aftercare
  • Scenario-training


Who is it for?

This course is for any employee who is in possession of the Emergency Response Officer certificate. One is also mentally and physically capable of providing first aid. 

The course is given at your location, with a maximum of 12 participants. The participants will receive a Certificate of Attendance after completion.

This course is only available in Dutch. 

Duration of the training:

The Senior ERO training takes two days. Hours are from 9:00 till 16:30 uur, or can be determined depending on your requirments. 

Both days are a combination of theory and pratice, both presented in a dynamic and interactive manner.

Zaagmolenlaan 4, 3447 GS Woerden

Wilgh Advies & Detachering b.v.
Wilgh Opleidingen b.v.

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